Ildikó Barna is a sociologist. She is a Professor at ELTE University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Research Methodology, Budapest. Her research topics include antisemitism, memory politics, post-Holocaust studies, and quantitative research on archival sources. In recent years, her interest has turned to automated text analytics, applying natural [...]
Renáta Németh, PhD
Co-leader, researcher Professor
Renáta Németh, PhD, is a professor and Head of Statistics Department at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences. She holds an MSc in Applied Mathematics and an MA and a PhD in Sociology. She is also the director of the Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc Program. Her research [...]
Jakab Buda
Researcher Assistant lecturer PhD student
Jakab Buda graduated in Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSC at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Social Sciences in 2020. He wrote his thesis on recurrent neural network based language models and their application in text classification with the supervision of Márton Rakovics. As a freelance data scientist he participates [...]
Eszter Katona
Researcher Assistant lecturer PhD student
Eszter Katona, survey statistician, started her PhD studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of ELTE in 2018 and works as an assistant lecturer at the Department for Social Research Methodology. Her supervisors are Renáta Németh (ELTE, RC2S2) and Mihály Fazekas (CEU). Her PhD research focuses on the possibilities of [...]
Árpád Knap
Researcher PhD student
Árpád Knap is a survey statistician who started his PhD in September 2018 at Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Social Sciences. His supervisor is Ildikó Barna, PhD. Mr Knap has been working at the Department of Social Research Methodology on several projects with Ildikó Barna in the past three years. [...]
Márton Rakovics
Researcher Assistant lecturer PhD student
Márton Rakovics, statistician, is an assistant lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE University, PhD student at Doctoral School of Sociology, Corvinus University Budapest. His doctoral research is about dynamic simulation modeling of social networks. He is currently focusing on the possible applications of deep learning [...]
Zsófia Rakovics
Researcher Assistant Lecturer PhD student
Zsófia Rakovics, statistician and sociologist. During her university studies she conducted a research on precarity, globalization and its effect on society and work. She also took part in other sociological investigations (e.g. about gender inequality), and studied the remembrance of the Holocaust, by qualitatively analysing testimonies of survivors. Her methodological [...]
Alexandra M. Szabó
Researcher PhD student
Alexandra M. Szabó is a PhD student at Brandeis University in the field of history. She graduated from ELTE Univerity in literary and cultural studies, as well as from the Central European Univerity in history with a Jewish Studies specialization. Her research interests include Jewish and Roma survivors, immediate postwar [...]
Domonkos Sik, PhD
Researcher Associate professor
Domonkos Sik is an associate professor of Sociology at the ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary, where he has been a faculty member for the last five years. His research deals with various topics in critical theory including phenomenology of mental disorders and the transformation of political culture in the post-transition period. [...]
Márton Gosztonyi
Researcher Associate professor
Márton Gosztonyi is a sociologist and anthropologist. He obtained his PhD in 2016 at Corvinus University of Budapest. He works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at ELTE, where he teaches statistics and multivariate analysis in both Hungarian and English. His research focuses on the informal [...]
Tímea Emese Tóth
Researcher Assistant lecturer PhD student
Tímea Emese Tóth is a survey statistician. She is currently a PhD student at the Interdisciplinary Social Research Program at the Faculty of Social Sciences of ELTE, and she is also an assistant lecturer at the Methodology Department of Social Research from the academic year 2021/22. She conducted her thesis [...]
Diána Bartha
Visiting researcher
Diána Bartha has a degree in Sociology from Eötvös Loránd Science University of Budapest. During her university years, her interest turned to collective memory and memory research: the memory of the Holocaust, Trianon and the First World War, and the collective memory of Hungarian society, which she linked to her [...]
Péter Csigó
Visiting researcher
Budapest University of Technology, Department of Sociology and Communication. Peter is a social theorist and media scholar. His main research mania/field is the process of "collective speculation on popularity" - which in his view has grown into a key structural force in news media, politics, social media and the networked [...]
Borbála Simonovits, PhD
Visiting researcher Associate professor
Borbála Simonovits, (PhD in Sociology, AMA in Social Policy Analysis) is an Associate Professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Faculty of Education and Psychology. Her major research interests include the sharing economy, labour market, informal education, trust, discrimination, international migration, and field experiments. Besides her teaching activity, she is taking [...]
Anna Unger
Visiting researcher Associate professor
Anna Unger received her degrees (political scientist - 2003, PhD in Political Science - 2018) from the Faculy of Law, ELTE. Her main research interests are democracy as a theory and a method, with a special focus on direct democracy, the politics of elections, and American politics. Her ongoing research [...]
Bendegúz Zaboretzky
Visiting researcher
Bendegúz Zaboretzky holds a BA degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in Survey statistics and data analytics. During his Sociology education he won an Erasmus scholarship to Italy, Padua where he mainly studied Psychology. He is a visiting researcher at ELTE Research Center for Computational Social Science (RC2S2). He [...]
Alexandra Fodor
Intern MSc student
Alexandra Fodor graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences at ELTE with a bachelor's degree in Sociology. She is currently a student in the master's programme in Survey Statistics and Data Analytics at ELTE. As an intern, she took part in the research of online antisemitism linked to the coronavirus. [...]
Nikoletta Kende
Intern BA student
Nikoletta Kende, sociology BA student of the Faculty of Social Sciences in Eötvös Loránd University. She is participating in the research of Online Antisemitism related to the Corona virus, organized by Ildikó Barna and Árpád Knap. This research uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) which is one of her research interests [...]
Zsófia Szopkó
Intern BA student
Zsófia Szopkó, BA student at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University. Educational assistant in Statistics Department of Faculty of Social Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University from September 2020 and demonstrator in the Department of Methodology of Social Sciences Research from January 2021. She took part in a research [...]