Bendegúz Zaboretzky (LinkedIn, GitHub, E-mail)
The key role in a thorough understanding of depression lies with the person who is struggling with it. People in this situation can be effectively approached and examined through online forums regarding depression and related issues. Another recent study has done this excellently, upon which this current work is closely built. The novelty of this research lies in the examination of the impact of COVID-19 and the resulting global pandemic on the discourse of depression. The aim of this paper is to build on previous research, supplement the findings, and continue the line of investigation, taking into account this new effect. As a result, this study is also based on topic modeling and uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) methods – mainly LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) and STM (Structural Topic Models) – to present the results.
The research was carried out in connection with the ELTE RC2S2 research group project, as a continuation of this paper.