Home » EuMePo Conference Budapest, June 14–16, 2023 | Guest Registration EuMePo Conference Budapest, June 14–16, 2023 | Guest Registration * Your name (as you want it to appear on your name tag) * Your Institution/Affiliation (as you want it to appear on your name tag) Please select the programs below you would like to participate in. June 14, 2023 10:00–11:30 Panel I: Memory Politics in a Regional Perspective: Towards a new East-West Divide? Konrad Adenauer Foundation Canada Panel12:00–14:00 Panel II: Commemorating the Past Across Europe: Remembrance and Memorialization in Education17:30–19:00 Panel III: Konrad Adenauer Youth Panel with the Zachor Foundation for Social Remembrance June 15, 2023 9:30–11:00 Panel IV: Intergenerational Trauma after Violence: Remembrance, Reconciliation and Resilience11:30–13:00 Panel V: Intergenerational Trauma after Violence: Memory, Narrative, and Agency across Vulnerable Populations14:00–15:00 Investigating Memory Politics and Other Social Phenomena Empirically: Methodological Sightseeing Tour in the World of Automated Text Analytics with ELTE Research Center for Computational Social Science (rc2s2.elte.hu) June 16, 2023 9:30–11:00 Panel VI: Remembrance and Amnesia, Silences in Memorialization11:30–13:00 Panel VII: Collective Memory in Action: Museums and Memorialization14:00–16:30 Panel VIII: Hungarian Memory Politics in the Field: Monument of National Martyrs, Memorial of National Unity, Liberty Square ← Go back to the conference home page