Eszter Katona, Árpád Knap, Fanni Máté, Mihály Csótó – Topic modelling of the Információs Társadalom

2021.07.13. Publication

Three members of our research group: Eszter Katona, Árpád Knap and Fanni Máté, with the contribution of Mihály Csótó, wrote an article for the special anniversary issue of the Information Society journal. The primary aim of the study is to review the topics that the journal has included in the Hungarian discourse of “information society studies” over the past 15 years and to explore the thematic structure of the journal with NLP methods. In addition to the content analysis, the article also provides an insight into the co-author network of the journal, as well as the relationship between the authors and each topic.

The paper is accessible on the following URL:
The visualizations are available on this link:

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