Borbála Simonovits, (PhD in Sociology, AMA in Social Policy Analysis) is an Associate Professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Faculty of Education and Psychology. Her major research interests include the sharing economy, labour market, informal education, trust, discrimination, international migration, and field experiments. Besides her teaching activity, she is taking part of international research in the areas of informal education and discrimination. Currently she is a member of the Hungarian research team of the so-called EXCIITE project (2022-2025), titled as “Enabling Extremely Creative, Inclusive, Inspiring Teachers for Europe”. In this project she has a leading role in designing implementing and analysing focus group discussions with elementary and high school teachers. From April 2023 she is going to take part in the international H2020 research, titled as EqualStrength, „From one Closed Door to Another: Cumulative Discrimination and Prejudice Against Marginalised Groups in Europe”, as the principal investigator of the Hungarian team.
She has published several papers in high quality international journals, most importantly in the Political Science Research and Methods (PSRM) the European Journal of Criminology (EJC) and the International Journal of Sociology (IJS) Citations: ~400, Hirsch-index: 10.